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We offer hundreds of programs! Search for a program by major, location, duration, and more on our database

Click on the "Advanced Search" option on the top right.
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You can select one criteria or multiple. For instance, if you know you want to study Graphic Design while abroad but you don't know where you want to go yet, simply search for Graphic Design in the 'Areas of Study' box under the "Search Options" section. Then scroll to the bottom and hit "Search" (You don't have to fill anything else out.) 
Screenshot of page.
If you know you want to study Forestry and you want to study in South America, simply select "South America" in the "Region" box under the "Location/Term" section AND  select Forestry within 'Areas of Study' box under the "Search Options" section. Then scroll to the bottom and hit "Search" The more criteria you add, the more narrow your search will be.





Your Identity in Your Program

It’s helpful to consider how your identity/identities and background might be affected and received during your time abroad. We are dedicated to creating an environment of access and inclusion both on campus and abroad.  We can help you get started in researching social norms, rights, laws, and current events in the countries you're considering. Together, let's make informed and safe decisions.

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