In the event of an emergency
Tend to your immediate needs
- Go to the local clinic/hospital, or
- Call the local 911 equivalent, or
- Contact the nearest U.S. Embassy/Consulate
Contact your local support network
Contact Virginia Tech
- AXA Assistance (security assistance provider)
- Outside the U.S. - +001 (312) 935-1703
- Within the U.S. - (855) 327-1411
- medassist-usa@axa-assistance.us
- Global Safety & Risk Management
- +001 (540) 750-5747
- Virginia Tech Police Department
- +001 (540) 231-6411 (ext. 1)
AXA Assitance (CISI Assistance Provider) |
+1 (312) 935 1703 |
VT Global Safety Emergency Line |
+1 (540) 750 5747 |
VT Police Department |
+1 (540) 231 6411 ext. 1 |
American Citizens Services and Crisis Management |
+1 (202) 501 4444 |
Steger Center, Switzerland |
+41 09 164 83651 |
- Call AXA Assistance at +1 (312) 935-1703 (collect) or email medassist-usa@axa-assistance.us to set-up a case number and obtain directions/assistance
- Do not delay in getting medical assistance as CISI will pay your medical bills and can work with any medical facility (either directly or claim reimbursement)
- Use the International Provider Search on CISI’s site to find CISI direct claim providers
- Use the CISI Medical Claim Form
- Keep receipts
- Notify your host university and family
Official CISI instructional video (with audio)
After an injured traveler has received medical support, employee injuries must be reported to both the Department of Human Resources and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). For details, please see EHS’s emergency procedures.
- Contact local police for immediate assistance
- Inform nearest U.S. Embassy/Consulate and host university
- Inform your host university
If you have been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted, first and foremost, ensure you are in a space you are physically safe. If needed, seek medical treatment immediately.
We want you to know you have access to the same support and resources you would if you were in Blacksburg. We understand the difficulty in coming forward, however encourage you to reach out to your in-country support network (program director, faculty-leader, international studies office) as they are physically with you and can advise you on the next steps specific to that country.
- Contact the Global Education office at 540-750-5747 (24/7) or vtglobalsafety@vt.edu to let us know that you are okay and safe
- Provide as much information on your status as needed
- Read your VT email daily
- Contact nearest U.S. Embassy/Consulate
- Do not make any statements prior to contacting a U.S. Embassy/Consulate
- If only 1 phone call is allowed, consider calling VT (24/7 availability) 540-231-6411 (extension 1)
- Inform your host university
- American embassies and consulates are limited in the assistance they can provide
They CAN:
- visit you in jail after being notified of your arrest
- provide information about judicial procedures
- give you a list of local attorneys
- notify your family and relay requests for money or other aid
- intercede with local authorities to see to it that your rights under local laws are fully observed and that you are treated humanely
- protest unfair imprisonment, mistreatment or abuse
- demand your immediate release, get you out of jail or the country
- represent you at trial or give legal counsel
- pay legal fees and/or fines with U.S. government funds
- About the Clery Act
- Responsibilities of an official of the institution
- Submit a Clery Report
- Resources
- The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) requires U.S. colleges and universities who participate in Title IV federal student financial aid programs to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses, or in non-campus facilities (e.g. hotel, rented spaces) as described by the Act
- The “Clery Act” is named in memory of Jeanne Ann Clery, a university freshman who was raped and murdered in her campus residence hall in 1986
- A major intention of the Clery Act is to provide accurate and timely safety information to the public, parents, and students about the level of crimes, and student alcohol and drug violations that occur on a campus. This means making all incident data readily available in a complete and accurate manner for all parties who inquire at your institution, thus enabling them to make an informed decision about their safety.
- Failure to comply with the policy requirements can result in substantial fines for an institution (in the tens of thousands of dollars) or in an extreme case, in the loss of all participation in Title IV federal financial aid programs
- Before Departure
- You are required to report to GEO the full address(es) of all of the lodging locations students will occupy while abroad as well as all classroom spaces rented or occupied by students, and a verified local police address at least 30 days prior to your program’s departure
- Virginia Tech’s Clery Compliance Coordinator, Gail Moles, will use the information to follow-up with local authorities regarding crime reporting statistics on your behalf
- While Abroad
- Report to the VTPD crimes that are directly reported to you in your capacity as a CSA as soon as possible
- Provide as much detail as possible to assist law enforcement in addressing and categorizing the crime including the exact physical address of the offense (e.g. inside hotel, outside hotel, 3rd floor hallway, etc.). Your report should include personal identifying information if available to avoid double counting crimes. If the victim does not want the report to go any further than the CSA, the CSA should explain that he or she is required to submit the report but it can be submitted without identifying the victim.
- Let the victim know about resources available to them regardless of whether they want the incident investigated or not. However, in an emergency situation the CSA should contact the VTPD or 911 as appropriate.
- CSA’s are not responsible for investigating or reporting incidents that they overhear or learn about in an indirect manner.
- Submit the Clery Act Reporting Spreadsheet via Google Drive at least 30 days in advance of program departure
- Program leaders should have a designated folder in Global Education’s Google Drive
- To login to your Google Drive visit the VT Google Apps Portal (start.google.vt.edu). Click Drive and login using your @vt.edu email address. Your folder is labeled "Global Education - your last name, first name" and has two subfolders -one for CISI Enrollments and one for Clery. Upload the designated spreadsheet under the Clery subfolder.
- For access requests or if you have questions, please email vtabroad@vt.edu.
Incidents Abroad
Global Safety & Risk Management is here to assist in the event of an emergency while you are traveling.
For immediate support, use the emergency contacts on this page.