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Several grant programs are offered to encourage and support the development of global education programs. 

Program Development Grants

Provides seed money to individual faculty or groups of faculty interested in increasing study abroad participation, through either faculty-led initiatives or custom programs. Funds can be used to develop a new program or enhance an existing program. Typically, funds are requested for international travel to conduct a site visit in order to evaluate a study abroad location from an academic and student-service perspective, establish networks and partners in-country, and begin the groundwork for program and logistical planning


International Site Visit Grants

Provides funding for one faculty member faculty to join a Global Education Office representative on a site visit to an exchange partner university. This includes faculty who may hold the rank of tenure track, A/P, collegiate, and long term lecturers. One grant award is available each semester


Global Learning Course Grants

Provides funding to teaching faculty in support of the development of undergraduate courses to be offered on Virginia Tech’s campus. While the Global Education Office strives to make meaningful study abroad a possibility, we recognize that there will always be a portion of the student population whose entire educational experience will take place on familiar soil.