Faculty Toolkit for Program Recruitment

As a program leader, you juggle many different roles. One of the most crucial, yet often hardest to figure out of those roles, is that of a recruiter. The success of your program can depend on generating enough interest and participant commitment.
Program recruitment and marketing takes time. It's a lot of work. We've compiled several tips, tools, and resources to support your efforts.
Recruiting basics to consider:
- Begin your recruitment efforts early and be consistent
- Consider multiple marketing tactics and channels to reach students
- Keep an updated list of interested students and e-mail them periodically with information regarding information sessions, deadlines, updates, and fun facts about your program or program destination
- Remain accessible and easy to contact
- Connect with the Global Education Office's communication and marketing team to coordinate and collaborate recruitment efforts for your program
Design Tips
- Keep it simple and eye-catching
- Use colors and fonts that are easy to read
- Use photographs to draw the eye: Paint the picture for students of what they would experience on your program
- Limit the amount of text on your flyer
- Too much text can dissuade students from learning more about the program
- A link to your program page can provide full details
- See the section below on required elements program marketing
Advertising on campus
- Flyering in residence halls: If flyers are printed and provided to Housing and Residence Life, they can be distributed and provided to each Resident Advisor. The Housing and Residence Life (HRL) Office is located in New Hall West. For more information contact HRL directly.
- Table Cards at dining halls: Dining Services offers a table card reservation system. Table cards must be prepared, printed, and distributed. The process may be different this year due to COVID-19 protocols.
Templates for Download
Required elements
- Include the Equal Opportunity Statement/Affirmative Action Statement in your promotional materials: See the link below for the three approved versions.
- Include information that clearly establishes program expectations: For example, if a key experiential component of the program involves students hiking long distances, state that clearly. Having students understand the program expectations from the very beginning will avoid potential issues down the line.
Design Tips
- Keep it simple and eye-catching
- Use colors and fonts that are easy to read
- Use photographs to draw the eye: Paint the picture for students of what they would experience on your program
- Limit the amount of text on your flyer
- Too much text can dissuade students from learning more about the program
- A link to your program page can provide full details
- See the section below on required elements program marketing
Advertising on campus
- Flyering in residence halls: If flyers are printed and provided to Housing and Residence Life, they can be distributed and provided to each Resident Advisor. The Housing and Residence Life (HRL) Office is located in New Hall West. For more information contact HRL directly.
- Table Cards at dining halls: Dining Services offers a table card reservation system. Table cards must be prepared, printed, and distributed. The process may be different this year due to COVID-19 protocols.
Design Tips
- Keep it simple and eye-catching
- Use colors and fonts that are easy to read
- Use photographs to draw the eye: Paint the picture for students of what they would experience on your program
- Limit the amount of text on your flyer
- Too much text can dissuade students from learning more about the program
- A link to your program page can provide full details
- See the section below on required elements program marketing
Advertising on campus
- Flyering in residence halls: If flyers are printed and provided to Housing and Residence Life, they can be distributed and provided to each Resident Advisor. The Housing and Residence Life (HRL) Office is located in New Hall West. For more information contact HRL directly.
- Table Cards at dining halls: Dining Services offers a table card reservation system. Table cards must be prepared, printed, and distributed. The process may be different this year due to COVID-19 protocols.